16th of december.... it is the staring point of celibrating chrismas... hope i can attend in dawn mass this year...... just hoping... i can complete this...
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Thursday, December 11, 2008
2008 CHRISTMAS?....
what would your idea about chistmas?.... is this just for fun or just to have vacation from works, schooling or from hectic schedule of life?....
christmas as we noticed celibrated at 25th day of december every year..
why we celibrate this?.... christmas from the root wqord christ the name of our saviour who died on the cross to carry our sins away from us and for us to be free from our original sins..... mas?... i dont knot what is means but as far as i am writing this.. mas maybe a word which significe mass... mass as crowd or mass as a holy time for praying.... maybe its both in this chrismas celibation we the people on earth exault the name of our god for saving us from our sins trhough mass and this is the day to forgive one another....
lights.... gifts..... foods.... carollings.... christmas songs.... this is very present when we celibrate christmas....
hope that this chrismas we not only take it for granted but we celibrate it with the spirit of our JESUS CRHIST in the presence of forgiving, loving and accepting oneself...
have a nice CRISTMAS AHEAD....
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7:04 PM